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Kunstturner-Junioren-Länderkampf AUT-CZE-GER-POL
The annual friendly men's artistic gymnastics junior four-country team competition between Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland took place this time (plus two boys from Slovakia) in Klagenfurt.
Austria's Junior European Championship squad achieved a great team performance: the hosts won with a very clear lead over Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. Congratulations!
The success was all the more convincing as four Austrians were in front of the individual all-around ranking: Alfred Schwaiger won ahead of Gino Vetter, David Bickel and Nicolas Ivkic. The fifth Turnsport Austria gymnast, Vincent Lindpointner, followed in the field of 22 in 8th place.
With regard to the Junior European Championships in Munich in six weeks, it must be emphasized that the second-placed Germans did NOT start with their European Championship team, but with the second-best selection. The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, as well as Austria, competed with the European Championship and the EYOF team.
Before the start of the junior competition Austria's senior national squad also used the opportunity to hold its second (of three) qualifiers for the European Championships (six weeks later in Munich): Ricardo Rudy won the All Around ahead of Alexander Benda, Askhab Matiev and national AA champion Severin Kranzlmüller. Highest score? "Od course" Vinzenz Höck with 14.900 on his speciality still rings....
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- Work Plan & Schedule pdf 296.36 Kb
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- All Judges, Coaches & Other Officials pdf 266.60 Kb
- Invitation Junior Competition pdf 692.26 Kb